Over the past few weeks I have happened on many children's books some through scholastic and others at yard sales but I remembered how much I love them. At a yard sale I found Harry the Dirty Dog, Madeline, an Ollie book, and two scholastic first readers one about frogs and the other sharks. I brought them with me to read to my class and they loved them! Now I didn't really read the frog and shark books, a little over their level, but we looked at the pictures and counted the frogs/ sharks. I haven't looked at some of the other books I got at last weekend yet because they are more for older readers, chapter books and the such, but I am equally excited about getting 4 books for a quarter that will help build my future classroom library. I almost forgot about the MC book bazaar where I found even more books... I should get my scholastic book order on Monday so I will post if the book are really as amazing as I am hoping. One book I really can't wait for is Mouse's First Fall. The Mouse's First series is geared toward Preschoolers but is beautifully illustrated. I have Mouse's First Day of School and the class loves it, they follow the mouse around the classroom where he explores blocks, puzzles, plants, snacks... and other items you might find in a preschool classroom.

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