I haven't posted recently partially because I am pressed for time and usually prefer a nap when possible, but also partially because I have little to post about. The past few weeks I feel I have constantly been going in the most mundane way. Work, home, class, sleep, work, home, class, sleep, homework. Sadly if I get a moment I am usually trying to complete something that has been put off for a while, be it homework, chores, or something for work. Needless to say, running has come to a rushing halt after the second trip to the Dr. (you know the one in between kidney stones). I have been trying to constantly catch up on sleep, especially since the snow day. I am still feeling the after effects of the snow day in my head and chest. I know that I will be thankful when the semester is over, and it will be nice not to have to worry about another semester like this, but at this point I am just trying to survive it. I am trying to be responsible for with my time so that I won't miss work or class, but I feel it is a never ending cycle of getting run down and then sick and trying to get over it. If I had better management skills, I would probably be fine. I could run, work, and go to class and nothing will falter. I don't, I am trying to become better when it comes to planning and being diligent. I think my biggest issue is breaks and break time. I feel I deserve both, and if I am not a productive break taker I feel I still need a break to relax. All this to say... I am falling alseep