So today I woke up to a winter wonderland, and it kept snowing. I think it just stopped after it started last night around 7:30. It started to stick around 10:30 last night, so when I woke up there was already 2 1/2 to 3 inches on the ground at 5 this morning. The picture to the side right side was taken at around 8 this morning and the picture below was taken closer to 6:45.

I love the "scary tree" that we can see from our bathroom window especially now since it is covered in snow!

Closer to 8, I took this from the same window, now you can see the snow on the road... it is kind of slushy now, which will be bad tomorrow morning, but hey it look pretty then.

When I went walking before waking up Joe, at least before he woke up. I tried to wake him up earlier, but he wouldn't budge. But then again he didn't go to bed early like I did...

The total of snow on the back of our car around 8:30 or so... almost 4 inches! In Clinton that has to be some kind of record, not to mention snow was still falling!

Lol, Even in snow as the pledge says, the mail will be delivered (except on holidays of course).

So this is where I work, or didn't work today. I woke up early just so I could get the news that we were closed. It is very pretty covered in snow. I wish I could have gotten a picture of the playground it was very pretty. It is also on a hUgE hill and would have been fun to sled down.

Anyway, it was a lot of fun today playing in the snow. Our camera died so I don't have the pictures of building a snow bride and groom with Matt and Kristy, or Kristy and my snow angels, but Oh well. I thought I would leave you with two of my favorite pictures. Especially with Valentine's Day coming up. The monument to the left is on our college campus, but I rarely pay attention to it. Today it stuck out with the snow piled up on it, so we took a picture. The snow was wonderful, but now I am off to find something for the hubs for Valentine's day. Sadly it is less dangerous to get out on the roads now than it will be tomorrow, so I am off to bundle up and brave the snow once more. Have a great rest of the day, and if you got it, enjoy the snow!