Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Organization and Apple Cider

So today, on my day off, I finally started to organize our back room!

Now papers have their place, clothes are clean and put away, and Christmas decorations are accessible (although I am fighting myself to not put them out).

I have already started to listen to Christmas music. This year I have been more excited than ever about Christmas. I think part of it is I am working at Starbucks and we have a huge holiday push, but the other part is I'm getting back in to the word. This year I think we are going to have to start some of our own traditions because of our work schedules. Which, while I don't like that I'll have to work, it is going to be fun making memories.

We have already started making apple cider, the colder it gets, the nicer it is.
So here is a really easy recipe that my mom always had going around the holidays:

Apple cider
100% Applejuice
a couple cinnamon sticks
a couple cloves

Dump all in a crock pot and let it heat on low or warm until warm
only good for like five hours unless you add more apple juice.

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